Illinois identified many of the same factors common to other
jurisdictions considering the possibility of siting wind turbines. Factors like the possibility of adverse
impacts to bird and bat species, fish or other aquatic species, scenic views and
commercial shipping and recreational boating were all discussed and included in
the final Report. The Council found that
several comprehensive studies of avian impacts from European offshore wind
installations provided a more nuanced picture of avian interactions with wind
turbines than previously understood. In
many cases individual avian species will exhibit completely different behaviors
when faced with a wind turbine array.
Some species will fly between turbines, some above or around turbines,
and others may avoid areas altogether.
Every type of impact will need to be considered if wind turbines are
proposed for installation in the Illinois waters of Lake Michigan. What some Council members may have found
surprising was the level of winter-time use of offshore areas of Lake Michigan
by waterfowl.
Illinois has experienced significant levels of investment in
land-based wind turbines. According to
the American Wind Energy Association Illinois is ranked 4th in
comparison to other states in current generating capacity of installed wind
turbines. Only California, Texas and
Iowa have seen greater levels of wind turbine installation. While no turbines have yet been installed in
Lake Michigan, the southern end of Lake Michigan may be an attractive location
for offshore wind siting in the future because of the proximity of Chicago,
northwest Indiana and surrounding load centers.
As Illinois and other jurisdictions continue to move towards creation of
offshore wind generating capacity, efforts like the Lake Michigan Offshore
Wind Energy Report will be important steps in ensuring the correct balance
between economic development, domestic energy production and the protection of
human values and the environment.
Todd Rettig
Todd Rettig
Acting Director
Office of Realty and Environmental Planning
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
New Co-chair of the GLWC Offshore Workgroup
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